On Thursday, January 11, SCA received one of the prestigious 2017 Environmental Awards at the Keep Albany Dougherty Beautiful Annual Volunteer Luncheon at the Albany Civic Center. We were pleased to accept the Beautification Award presented by Albany Mayor Dorothy Hubbard and County Commissioner Chris Cohilas.
Our secondary school was recognized for its community service day project on October 6 to the people in the area around Bonneyview & Merritt Streets for the Fight the Blight initiative in downtown Albany. That particular day was very warm for early October, yet our students numbering 240 along with 8 class sponsors, completely repainted Grace Emmanuel Church of God in Christ, two storage buildings, some basketball goals, four nearby duplexes as well as picked up trash in the surrounding lots. It was a massive work effort!
Nearby residents came by and personally thanked the students for improving their neighborhood. The pastor of Grace Emmanuel Church thanked us for the work we did for his congregation. Coach Davidson shared just how proud he was of the effort everyone put in that day to help bless our local community.
Accepting the award for SCA along with Coach Davidson were high school student council officers Brisa Rodriguez, Brynn Davidson, Casey Gregors, Nathanael Sancinito, and Burch Langstaff. Many thanks to all of the participants of our fall community service day for helping SCA earn this prestigious award!