Elementary students enjoyed “Music Week” in chapel today. Thanks to Mrs. Knuckles for leading our chapel and to Mrs. Johnson for bringing back “Hagalina, Magalina.” It was such a fun morning!
Coach Fyock recognized three new students for the SCA Mileage Club, and Mrs. Orr presented our Accelerated Reader Certificates. Mrs. Hager, Mrs. Knuckles and all the elementary teachers had the opportunity to share what their favorite part of this school year has been so far. Teachers shared about the 100th Day of School, Dr. Seuss Week, Veterans Day, Christmas programs, fifth grade’s persuasive letters, animal notebooks, games in the classrooms, ministry projects to the nursing home, field trips, new teaching partners and Bible. Of course some of our favorite memories were the students who had shared in chapel this year that they had come to know Christ and been baptized. It was a very special chapel!
SCA Mileage Club
A.J. Short
William Greene
Colton Broome
AR Certificates
225 Points – Alexandra Collins and William Greene
75 Points – Lauren Watson and Lillian Peavy
50 Points – Evan Carpenter
25 Points – Kortney Berry, Anya Stephens, Myia Miles and Caroline Richards