All School

Fall Sports Awards Winners

Congratulations to all of our fall athletes and their accomplishments on the field and court. Beyond the individual awards, we had an impressive performance in the classroom–87 athletes earned the distinction of Scholar Athlete which constitutes 80% of our fall athletes! Nice job athletes!

Headlining the list this fall are:

State Champion for Girls’ Varsity Cross Country: Joy Kendrick

State Champion for Boys’ Jr. Pro Cross Country: Christian Jackson

State Champion for Girls’ Jr. Pro Cross Country: Julia Kendrick

All-Region Selections for Varsity Cross Country: Joy Kendrick, Anna Kendrick, Catherine Kendrick, Caroline Mathis, Jordan Roberts, Nathan Roberts, Collin Phillips

All-State Selections for Varsity Cross Country: Joy Kendrick, Anna Kendrick, Collin Phillips

All-Region Selections for Varsity Football: Ketavion Curry, Caleb Wiley

Senior All-Star Selection for Varsity Football: Will Alderman

All-Region Selection for Varsity Volleyball: Gracyn Holt 

Here is a comprehensive list of all of the award winners following the end-of-season programs:

Josie Davidson Kingdom Athlete: MS Cheerleading
Johana Ruiz-Garcia Most Spirited: MS Cheerleading
Ivy Wilson Coach’s Award: Varsity Cheerleading
Drew Boyett Kingdom Athlete: Varsity Cheerleading
Sydney Taylor Most Spirited: Varsity Cheerleading
Caleb Kendrick Kingdom Athlete: Jr. Pro Cross Country
Lydia Sancinito Kingdom Athlete: Jr. Pro Cross Country
Colton Mathis Most Improved: Jr. Pro Cross Country
Kennedy Morton Most Improved: Jr. Pro Cross Country
Christian Jackson Most Valuable: Jr. Pro Cross Country
Julia Kendrick Most Valuable: Jr. Pro Cross Country
Miley Clements Kingdom Athlete: MS Cross Country
Ethan Johnson Kingdom Athlete: MS Cross Country
Graham Anderson Most Improved: MS Cross Country
Victoria Vega Most Improved: MS Cross Country
Ethan Kelley Most Valuable: MS Cross Country
Joy Kendrick Most Valuable: MS Cross Country
Caroline Mathis Kingdom Athlete: Varsity Cross Country
Nathanael Sancinito Kingdom Athlete: Varsity Cross Country
Nicolo Galiano Most Improved: Varsity Cross Country
Olivia Williams Most Improved: Varsity Cross Country
Anna Kendrick Most Valuable: Varsity Cross Country
Jordan Roberts Most Valuable: Varsity Cross Country
Caleb Wiley Best Defense: Varsity Football
Ketavion Curry Best Offense: Varsity Football
Zachary Davidson Kingdom Athlete: Varsity Football
Randi Harrelson Best Defense: JV Volleyball
Laney Heard Best Offense: JV Volleyball
Conner Knuckles Kingdom Athlete: JV Volleyball
Arabella Davidson Co-Best Offense: MS Volleyball
Kyla Raven Co-Best Offense: MS Volleyball
Caroline Dougherty Kingdom Athlete: MS Volleyball
Alyson Adams Best Defense: Varsity Volleyball
Abby Adams Best Offense: Varsity Volleyball
Gracyn Holt Coach’s Award: Varsity Volleyball
Emily Walker Kingdom Athlete: Varsity Volleyball


Christmas Bazaar

What a great first year for our Christmas Bazaar! Thank you to everyone who came out this past Saturday, December 2, to support our school and vendors. We had more than 100 kids come to enjoy games, bounce houses, face painting and ornament making. There were 28 vendors who sold Christmas craft items and great Christmas presents. There was a concession stand as well that sold a lot of food!

There were TONS of volunteers who made this day a success. From parents to secondary students, their help was instrumental in creating this new event for SCA. And just to brag on our student and parents…there were more than 25 parent volunteers and more than 20 secondary students who gave up their time to serve our SCA family. Just think of how big this event could be in the future, and what a great way for us to showcase our facilities and SCA family spirit to our friends!

We received a lot of positive feedback from the vendors, students and families who attended and volunteered for this event. We hope to make this event an SCA tradition that will continue to grow for years to come, and will be something families look forward to every year. Thank you again to everyone who attended and who volunteered; we could not have pulled this off without you!</p>

Great Turkey Race Blesses the Lord’s Pantry

The SCA Family was able to bless the Lord’s Pantry this Thanksgiving in a huge way! The final numbers are in for the 2017 Great Turkey Race: 2000 canned food items and $5350! What a blessing to tangibly meet needs in our community through our month-long Great Turkey Race.

According to the Lord’s Pantry Director, Mr. Tom Wilburn, “The SCA donations will go a long way in helping us provide for the needy during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. We could not accomplish our mission without the support and contributions from compassionate Christians like your SCA faculty and students.”

A special thanks to Student Council sponsors Mrs. Tiffany Carter and Ms. Cheryl Thompson for leading an awesome group of student council members throughout this important drive.

Congratulations to the 7th grade and 9th grade classes for being the first place winners in their respective buildings. These classes along with the sophomores and seniors met their class goals for the drive and earned a free Jeans Week before Christmas break. Thanks to everyone who made The Great Turkey Race a huge success this year!

Veterans’ Day Program

SCA hosted its 15th annual Veteran’s Day program at Sherwood Baptist Church. We were blessed to have many veterans in attendance today.

The program included different student groups including the elementary students, a 5th grade ensemble, and the middle school choir singing patriotic songs and other pieces to honor our veterans. Of course, we enjoyed our kindergarteners presenting Grand Old Flag and America the Beautiful for us.

Lastly, we honored our service men and women with a solemn flag folding ceremony and the reading of a list of local fallen heroes. We were delighted to have special guest Bishop Ingram who eloquently whistled God Bless America for us. It was truly a blessed day.

May we all be grateful for the service of many veterans and active duty personnel for the freedoms that we enjoy. Be sure to thank a veteran today for his/her service to our country.

Charleston Gift Wrap Winners


Charleston Winners (2)Many thanks to all who made the Charleston Giftwrap Sale a huge success! It took us all to meet and exceed our goal of $20,000!

Congratulations to the following winners in each school level:

Highest seller in high school: Connor Knuckles (10th gr.)

Highest seller in middle school: Blake Peterson (8th gr.)

Winner of the elementary Great Pigster Race (among 19 finalists): Noah Butler (5th gr.)


See You at the Pole

Parents, students and teachers met this morning at the flagpole for a time of prayer for our homes, school, churches and nation. See You at the Pole is a student-led event that began in 1990 with a small group of 10 teenagers in Burleson, Texas. These students were led to meet at the school flagpole and pray for their generation. This year, three million students in 20 countries are expected to participate at this widely observed event.

Thanks to Lydia Sancinito, Vance Carter, Mason Johnson, Alexandra Collins, Caleb Kendrick and Collyer Alderman for leading us this morning. Thanks to all our parents, teachers and students who were able to join us for this special time of prayer.


The Great American Eclipse 2017

SCA celebrated the Great American Eclipse in a special way on Monday, August 21. Elementary classes enjoyed eclipse-themed classroom activities, special treats, and viewed the eclipse on the NASA website. Likewise, secondary students were able to view the eclipse online as well. The 8th Grade Earth Science classes wrapped up an exciting mini unit on the eclipse.  Students participated in a variety of activities related to this special event including an in-depth PowerPoint presentation. The 8th graders were thrilled to have the opportunity to observe the partial eclipse outside with approved solar eclipse glasses, and to celebrate God’s creation!


Dad’s Prayer Time

A dozen SCA dads gathered this morning for our monthly dad’s prayer time in the youth building at Sherwood Baptist Church. It was a rich time of connecting and praying in small groups over our children, teachers, school and community. It will be only through the power of prayer that God has his way with our school and students this year. We are thankful for the dads that make this a priority every month.

All SCA dads are invited to join us on the third Friday of every month at 6:45 a.m. for this important time of prayer. Refreshments are served. Hope to see all dads sometime this year.

– Dr. Dougherty

All School Celebration

We had a record crowd at our back to school event called All School Celebration on Tuesday, August 8. It was standing room only in the gym as Dr. Dougherty cast vision for the upcoming year. Our theme for the year is Walk Worthy out of Philippians 1:27. This challenge is not just for our students, but for all of us – teachers, administrators and parents – to walk worthy before our students to help them emulate Christ. We have all been given a gift – eternal life through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This message is known as the Gospel. The apostle Paul challenges us to walk in such a manner to be counted worthy as those who have been changed by the Gospel.

After our time in the gym, families were given a special SCA water bottle as a gift then they made their way to the cafeteria for our first ever “TASTE of SCA” put on by our awesome kitchen staff. New entrees were offered for families to sample. One of our Silver SCA Sponsors – Dunkin Donuts – was on hand to offer samples of coffee and donuts! It was a happening place!

Finally, families and students made their way throughout the hallways to greet friends, meet their teachers, and find their lockers! It was a great way to generate excitement for the upcoming school year. Please join us in prayer that our commitment to walk worthy will become a reality in all of our lives this year.

Our 33rd Year

Excited to begin another year of ministry – our 33rd year! God has assembled a great team to serve our students and families! Please pray for us, especially our new teachers, Mrs. Holley Butler, Miss Hannah Hughes, and Mrs. Niki Wise. May we have a bountiful harvest. We are committed to walking worthy before our students this year! Phil. 1:27
