#33, Kenney Brown


Our own, Kenney Brown was just highlighted in an article in The Albany Herald. His work ethic and determination have garnered attention throughout our region. We are all so proud of you #33! Below is an excerpt from the article.

ALBANY — Over and over again, Sherwood football player Kenney Brown got slammed to the ground.

Right there in front of his teammates during an “Oklahoma” drill four years ago, the young freshman got tackled again and again and again …

But he kept rising to his feet, and that’s when Sherwood football coach Otis Covington knew.

“That’s when I knew that this kid was going to be special,” Covington said. “We put him up against a bunch of seniors, and they were wearing him out. Typically, kids will start to motor down when that happens, but Kenney kept getting up and asking for one more.”

To read the whole article click here.

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